Insidious Pop II (drift)

Jenny Gillam – video, Rex on the decks

Rex – video, Gemma Syme on keytar

Steve Rowe and Richard Reddaway – video, Rex on the Decks

Rex – video, Paul Faris on the Decks

Rex – video, Dan Clark on the decks + sampler

Dan Shaw and Rex – video, Rex on the decks

Insidious Pop II (drift)
New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, 2007
An installation with two nights of accompanying audio / video performances by Jenny Gillam, Daniel Agnihotri-Clark, Paul Faris, Richard Reddaway, Steve Rowe, Daniel Shaw and Gemma Syme. Extracts of the live mixes were recorded during rehearsals and installed in the NZFA media gallery extended mixes were later performed in the NZFA Cinema.
Installation shots

Screencaps from the installation